Bike trail from the perspective of a bike fork

Welcome to The Spare Tube your guide to family biking adventures in and around your city.

Introducing your kids to biking can be daunting. Here, you'll find all the information and advice you need for your own family biking journey. Whether you are contemplating the first step to getting your kids riding or you are more experienced rider.

Urban Cycling

We like all forms of biking and micro-mobility in general. We're particularly passionate where bikes can replace car journeys: whether its the daily school run, weekly grocery shop or exploring places as a family.

Trail Guides: Henderson, NV

We're highlighting family-friendly bike rides and cycling adventures around Henderson, Nevada. We plan to add more cities and destinations over the next few weeks. Our latest trails:

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My biking story

Piers on a bike with his daughter

β€œIn the last few years, I've rediscovered my love for cycling. It has nothing to do with donning lycra and cycling hundreds of miles. It has everything to do with using my bike everyday instead of my car. Whether that is for errands around town, taking the kids to school or just finding great ways to explore as a family on two wheels.

I want the spare tube to be a place where families with young kids can find inspiration, information and a community around city/urban biking. Whether you are new to cycling with your kids, or are already living car-free.”

β€” Piers

We want to hear from you

What questions, advice or tips would you like to see? Get in touch with us on Mastodon, Facebook or Instagram